Since our Christmas wishes a few months ago, we have had a few interesting moments to share:
Ammon and Ailene did go through with the promised wedding in the Philippines. It actually was a wonderful experience despite my "one week before Christmas" panic attack! It was great to meet her delightful family and be treated like royalty from the moment we stepped off the plane in Manila! We did end up celebrating Christmas on Dec 26th because we arrived home on the 24th, and we needed Christmas day to recuperate!

Warm California winters are just a memory...Julian says "peekaboo"!
A Valentine dinner and numerous Skype calls from Autumn in Madagascar made the month fun.
The real excitement began on March 1st when we picked up mom's good friend Janice at the airport- got her situated and left for Seattle. The next morning found us Kaua'i bound with our good friends the Merrells. A week in paradise went by too quickly, but it was amazing to see the sights and get some nice "away" time.
So hard to leave such beauty behind!
Ariel is spending her Spring break in Atlanta with a friend...she is planning to return to the NW this summer and look for work a little closer to home. I guess TX is not her favorite place. Hard to make use of all of her wool sweaters!
Dan, Ammon and Ailene are still in NYC and working and playing. Called us from Colorado last weekend to say they were skiing in Vail...I simply cannot remember being young and carefree!
Haven has been involved in a Community Theater group and they are doing a Salute to Broadway this weekend. She has several parts and has been creating amazing costumes for she will be singing and dancing in style...such a talented gal! Her 3 little ones are growing and we love having them so close!
Noble is on Spring break with only one more quarter to go before he graduates with a Computer Science degree with a minor in math..he is spiffing up his resume and doing some serious looking. We have enjoyed having their family an hour away....who knows where they will go next. Their little Julian is 3 and we get to see him now and then. Hopefully Noble will get a job in Seattle so we will not have to drive/fly too far to hug that little boy!!
Micah and his family are in Spanish Fork and Micah has landed an excellent job with Blue Host. He is heading up their video department and they like him so well he has been dubbed "Magic Micah"! The girls are growing fast...little Cosette will be a year old next month and little Eden is already 4. Unfortunately we do not get to see them as often as we would like, but we do enjoy the marvels of technology and seeing them on screen!
Autumn is in Madagascar finishing her CRS training and waiting (a bit anxiously) to find out where she will be sent for her "hardship" assignment. She has made friends and has had some remarkable experiences in some of the far corners of the Father's vineyard!! She is planning some home leave in a few months and we are so looking forward to it!
Enough catch-up...we know it is the pictures that everyone enjoys the most! Take care and as always- God bless us every one!!