Tuesday, September 18, 2012

August: Happy Family Reunion Time

The Brown Family 2012
August was an eventful month for the Brown Family. Autumn came home from the wilds of Africa to spend a few weeks and part of that time was spent in Montana at our reunion. Our numbers have hit 20, but we anticipate more by the next time we meet! Hamilton, MT was a quaint little town and we spent 5 days at a lovely home on the Bitterroot River and the kids enjoyed a day of whitewater rafting on the Clark River. It was a great time to reconnect and enjoy each other!
The beautiful and lazy Bitterroot River was the rear boundary of this lovely property.

 We had the main house and a guest house a few steps away.
 Matthias (Haven & T's #3) always has his funny smile and 
Ariel is cute even in her old hat!
 Little T examining a butterfly...nice camera work, Micah!
 Dulcinea (Haven & T's #2), Eden (Micah & Becky's #1) and 
Tiburcio (Haven & T's #1) had fun playing together.
 Cosette (Micah & Becky's #2) is everyone's little dolly!
 Julian (Noble & Krystal's #1) enjoyed his cousins too!
 A small irrigation pond with a sandy shore provided hours of fun!
 Eden having a serious moment!
 Have to catch Matthias by surprise to get a real smile!
 Noble and Krystal
Cosi was game for anything!
 Noble and Krystal were happy to get away for a few days. 
Noble started his new job when he got home!
 The "kids" of every age enjoyed a nearby park
Autumn striking her "model" pose!
Noble and Dan taking it easy on the front porch.
 Micah & Becky & girls
 Ammon and his beautiful bride, Ailene!
Haven & Tiburcio's family (with #4 on the way!!)

Lily Ann Dowdall Joberg Jan 17, 1923 - Aug 23, 2012

Lily Ann Joberg
Always a smile on her face!
After our reunion we came home, packed up grandma for a trip to Logan with my sister June. June and her husband, Rod had been on a mission to Washington DC and so they were taking grandma down to see all of their family in Utah. Grandma made the trip and had a great day at June's. then decided it was time to "return with honor" to her Heavenly Father. She had not been feeling great the past few months and she had a premonition that her time was short.
So our two families raced around and managed a funeral service in Morrison, Illinois, where she had been raised. She was laid to rest next to her mother and father and we do not doubt that she is happy and at peace, but oh how we will miss her!

Peacefully at rest awaiting friends and family to offer their farewells in Morrison, IL
"Weeping may last for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" Psalms 30:5
Nearly all of her posterity came from all over the world to 
say goodbye to their beloved grandma
Jane James is a cousin and one of the few people that remain in Morrison.
Vera Stutski was a high school friend and mother had been unable to attend 
her 90th birthday party a few weeks prior.
Gove Hill Cemetery on the hill in Morrison is where 
we all said our final goodbyes
Each of the great-grandchildren - 15 of her 19 were there-
placed a pink rose on her casket as a token of their love.
The little ones were lifted up
Each child participated
She left a wonderful posterity
Her legacy will impact generations to come!
An interesting story:
Her friend Vera, whose family runs a restaurant outside of Morrison,
offered to open and serve our family a lovely buffet! The food was so delicious and it turns out that the converted barn/corn crib that had been remodeled into the quaint eatery was the home of grandma's parents more that 80 years before! 
We had come full circle. How poetic!