May and June found me in more airports than I care to count! After traveling so much of last year I was hoping to stay home for awhile, but family and friends had different ideas....and being one that does not like to disappoint...hahaha!!
Autumn invited me to Washington DC to see her new apartment and to show me around the renovated and quite lovely area! She had surprises up her sleeve....the first being a chance to attend a National's baseball game!
No trip to the DC area is complete without a jaunt through Georgetown- and of course a stop at Georgetown Cupckes! Almost too rich to eat! YUM!
Another exciting stop was the Renwick Gallery installation, where the art is installed on the spot....amazing and wondrous work!
The lighting on this would change from purple to red to yellow. To view it we laid down on the floor! Breathtaking!
This plaque explained where the artist received his inspiration.
Another "surprise" stop was a trip to the Kennedy Center where we chuckled our way through an interactive play! My girl certainly knows how to show a mommy a good time!
Next stop was New York where all the entertainment had two legs! Sweet little Amaia will be one in July and she is a dolly!
Aden, Ammon and Ailene's eldest was celebrating his third birthday. We had a great time playiing cars together! A precocious little man!
Breakfast on the counter top in the kitchen seemed to work well - maybe I will try it out at home!
Ammon and Amaia in the park ready for the birthday party!
Aden with a giant three on his cupcake. Pizza, friends, presents and a bubble machine made for a great birthday party!
I actually came home for about two weeks to collect the mail and pull the weeds in the yard- then off again with my good friends, Deanna and Carol. Our yearly trip was to Michigan and we were lucky enough to have the Blackhams along....seasoned travelers to this neck of the woods. A great two weeks of adventure!
Carol and I flew to Mesa to pick up Deanna and the Blackhams and we were able to go to the Gilbert Temple. It was impressive by size and decor!
While in AZ we got together with our good friends, Doug and Connie Earl. Went to dinner and caught up on life. Was so good to see them! Seated in the center is Connie's mother, Doris, in her 89th year I believe.
After a four hour drive from Grand Rapids, MI we arrived in Mackinaw City where we took the ferry to Mackinac Island. If you have seen Somewhere in Time with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeves, this is where it was filmed. No vehicles on the island. Bikes and horse-drawn buggies or you can walk. The island is about 13 miles by 6 miles and sits in Lake Huron. A little bit of paradise on earth!!!
This beautiful lighthouse was built in 1887 to provide light to the ships navigating the straits of Mackinac between Lake Huron and Lake Michigan.
The Mackinac Bridge connects lower Michigan with the Upper Peninsula fondly called UP and the inhabitants are referred to as "Yoopers". It is 5 miles long and boasts the longest span between anchorages in the western hemisphere. When the wind gales on the Great Lakes it has been known to sway as much as 20 feet! Fortunately when we crossed it the breeze was mild!
Mackinac Bridge lit up in the evening.
We arrived on Mackinac Island (pronounced Mackinaw) and stayed our first two nights at the Grand Hotel. Well named for its amazing history, structure and beauty, where people still "dress" for dinner, have afternoon tea and elegance is standard procedure. Each of the 390 guest rooms are decorated uniquely and it boasts the longest porch in the world!

Many varieties of carriages and buggies were available, but our favorite was the Grand Hotel's closed carriage complete with a driver in a top hat!
Our next few nights were spent at the Metivier Inn, an elegant and friendly B&B on Market Street. Life here is relaxed and very slow paced. We arrived in time to see the hundreds of lilac bushes in bloom. Everything was so neat and tidy!
Carol drove this nice little buggy with "Belle" pulling it at a leisurely pace.
Arch Rock was a must see spot on the island. The local tribes had many explanations for this interesting formation.
The historic town was known for it's fur trade and there were many shops recreated in original buildings to educate visitors. Here we are in the fur traders supply house.
So many beautiful views from the hilltops. This one was taken from Fort Mackinac overlooking the lake. The Fort was built by the British during the Revolutionary War and was not returned to the Americans until 15 years after independence.
On the parade ground we enjoyed some history lessons and reenactment by soldiers from different time periods.
The Island is predominately a State Park with rigid regulations. Hundreds of historic homes are restored and beautifully kept. Some are B&B's, but many are summer homes for those who are very well off financially!
The days were filled with wonder and the nights were peaceful. We awoke each morning to the clop, clop of horses and living 120 years ago (with the exception of indoor plumbing!) Truly the best of both worlds!
Our last night presented a full moon bidding us a fond farewell.
Our next stop was Whitefish Point Coastguard station and lighthouse, about 2 hours north in the UP where we were able to stay on the grounds in a nice little cottage and enjoy the sounds of the crickets!
Our little cottage! Great little B&B and in Paradise, a few miles south had the best hamburger of my life at the Gastropub and Smokehouse. The cook looked like a biker, but everything was from scratch and incredibly delicious....who would of thought....we were in the middle of nowhere!!!
Next stop was the Stafford Inn in Bay View, MI. Very close to Petosky where the famous Petosky stones come from. A beautiful old Inn with irregular floors and a great deal of charm.
Grand old Stafford Inn built in the late 1886. Amazing views of Lake Michigan.
Our last evening at Bay View was rewarded with this lovely sunset over the lake.
Next and last stop was Frankenmuth, a Bavarian village that was charming to say the least. They boast a famous brewery and the largest Christmas store in the world!
LaReta, Don, Jeanne and Deanna
Getting ready to look at millions of Christmas items!
The store was unbelievable, but I was happy to see that they are strong Christians and had many nativities and other remembrances of Christ in their collection.
While in Frankenmuth we took the Bavarian Bell paddleboat down the river and heard a good deal of history about the area.
All good things come to an end when vacationing, and this was no exception. It was a lovely trip and I enjoyed it, but as always, I was happy to be home again tending my garden and sleeping in my own bed....recounting memories of a delightful two weeks!