Friday, April 17, 2015

Five Weeks in DC

Our time spent in Bethesda, MD was not all medicine and hospital, although that did occupy much of our time. When Doyle was feeling well we all visited with friends and saw some of the sights in DC. The vaccine treatments went well and Doyle handled it like a trooper.
Missed cherry blossom time by only a few days, so it was chilly (even snowed twice!) but it was nice to be on the Mall again and visit the Smithsonian and other of the museums.
Autumn and her daddy in the Natural History Museum.
 Had never been to Mt Vernon so took the time and it was well worth it! The grounds and the preservation crews need to be commended. It was a treat to see and interesting to learn more about the father of our country.
 Autumn was with us for the first few weeks and then Ariel came to spell her off. I told the kids that we have managed fine for 43 years and really did not need to be babysat, but I think it was just a good excuse to spend more time with their dad!
Before Autumn left she had a colleague from Afghanistan (far right), Tahar,
come to visit along with a friend from CRS, Rachel, from Illinois. We fed Tahar a traditional American meal complete with hamburgers, chips and jello! He loved it!
 When Ariel arrived we went to Thomas Jefferson's home in Monticello and learned more about this very interesting patriot! The home and grounds were delightful!
 The WA DC temple used to be ours way back when we had to make a 5 1/2 hour drive to get there from PA. It was a real pleasure to attend a few sessions and drink in the peace and comfort only found within the walls of these holy houses of God!
 Among our many visitors, Ammon, Dan and families took the time to come and see us over several weekends. It was such a treat to be only a few hours away from our Eastern kids! Of course the best part was seeing little Aden. 
 Aden enjoyed his first Easter Egg hunt with us....such a cutie!
 Our amazing team at NIH. We saw them often and they were (and still are) very concerned and interested in Doyle's progress!

I wish I could report that all is well, but Doyle has had a terrible reaction to the chemo and has had numerous physical complications. He has been receiving fluids via IV and there is concern over his kidneys. We know the Lord is mindful of us and we so appreciate all of your kind words and prayers! How grateful we are for the atonement of Christ as He eases our burdens and brings joy and renewed faith into each new day!


  1. So glad to hear from you. Your blog is wonderful. We think of you both often and you are always in our prayers. What a wonderful supportive family! Please continue to update us. Give Doyle our best.
    Love and miss you both !
    E/S Wallace

  2. Thank you for keeping us posted, I am so glad you feel the peace that only the Lord can give! I know He loves you and is very aware of you and yours! Love and Prayers from me.
