This summer has really sped by! Micah's family arrived the 11 of June and stayed for a few weeks, then off to the Joberg Family Reunion, which consisted of my sister June and her family and all of my family...making 50 of us!! We were together over the long July 4th weekend at my sister's place...what a hoot! After the reunion, Ammon and his family and extended family, arrived the day I got home and were here for 2 weeks. We all had so much fun together, but I will say it was tiring!! LOTS of good memories though, as Haven and Ariel's families joined in the fun whenever possible!
Was fun having Micah and the kids here for a few weeks in June.
We even went to Bob's Cafe for a fun dinner!
Micah had a good time celebrating Father's Day with the kiddos!
As you know the temple site is right across the street. We managed to get a short tour of the grounds and I especially enjoy watching the slow and steady progress.
We got tickets and went to the Grant County Airshow. It was very well done with planes screeching overhead and many static planes that we could tour...was hot, but so much fun!!
Had Nathan and Ariel's youngest for a few days after visiting them and I think Lael enjoyed the festivities as well. She is close to the same age as Eden.
Giant cargo plane that we were able to go into!
A trip to the museum...seems we were on a plane theme! Ha!
Trips to the Japanese park where there were koi to feed and rocks to climb on. We also made several visits to the Surf and Slide water park on those very warm days!
Ariel and Nathan's family came over for one of the water park visits...those pale bodies used plenty of sunscreen! l to r: Ty, Eden and Micah
Had a rain shower one day and looked out the window to see THIS!!!! WOW! Right over the temple!
Two days after Micah's little gang left I drove to Pasco to catch a plane to Salt Lake City. Noble picked me up (in his new Tesla) and we drove to my sister's house for the Joberg reunion!
June and Rod have a very large backyard with a water ditch, trampoline and shade trees! Perfect for the whole mob! L to R: Ammon, Big T (Haven's hubby), Dan, Autumn, Viraj (Autumn's sweetie), Becky and Darin Kowallis, June and Rod's kiddos.

Yes, the trampoline was a big hit and provided lots of bounce time!
Being the new guy on the block, Viraj was a kid magnet! What a good sport!
Dulcinea is now taller than her mama- Haven! Those hot days made water play very popular!
Kids and adults lined up for a chance to tackle Rodney's homemade slip and slide! He also had a compression rocket launcher that shot the handmade rockets 50-100 feet in the air!
Noble chilling and watching the kids go nuts!
We all tried staying cool (Ariel) as the temperatures hit the high 90's. VERY warm for the Logan area!
Of course it was the 4th of July weekend and the party would not have been complete
without some fireworks!
After the reunion, I had to fly home to meet up with Ammon and his gang as they were driving up to spend a few weeks. I have really been blessed to have so much family here this summer!!
Aden and Amaia and I did some fun things while Ammon and Ailene worked online. Ailene's mother and sister were here as well...Rissa, Ailene's mother loves to cook, so I was happy to turn the kitchen over to her! Yummy food!!!
Amaia at age 6 was sure she wanted a french braid! Nice job mom!

When Ammon and family left, they went to Utah to hang out with Noble and Micah and to attend Julian's 13 birthday party! (Noble's boy)
Never too old for bumper cars and laser tag!
The first part of August I flew back to Utah for Caleb's baptism. Can't believe that little man is eight already! It was a wonderful event, but heart-wrenching that Rebecca was only there in spirit!
Caleb was so excited for his baptism!
Kids went swimming, we had a BBQ at the Nelson's (Rebecca's parents) and generally enjoyed spending time together over the week I was there.

I had to go home, but a few days later, August 12, would have been Micah and Rebecca's 15th wedding anniversary, so in her honor, Micah took the kids horseback riding up in the Utah hills.
Back home...I received a note from a friend who had served in New Zealand with Doyle and I and she said that her granddaughter was serving in Moses Lake!! I found Sister Cotterell and her companion Sister Fantano and we met up for lunch! What a treat! Small world!
My summer ended with harvesting bushels of nectarines, beans, strawberries, tomatoes, squash and cantaloupe. Even with the hot weather, the garden was happy to provide delicious produce. I did sneak away for a final "HOORAH" with my two dear friends, Carol and Deanna. They had not been to Glacier National Park and it had been many years since I had been there, so off to Montana we went!
Whitefish was a charming little town with several art galleries. I was very impressed with this one housed in an old church combining the American West with an Eastern flavor (Thailand). Pieces were so beautifully displayed and wonderfully unique!
Chief Joseph looked as though he would speak!
Mixed in with the American West displays were sculptures and other art work from Thailand.

Waiting to eat at Loulo's. The best Huckleberry pie money can buy...unfortunately they were sold out, but raspberry cherry and blackberry were delicious as well.
In Bigfork we enjoyed a fantastic steak dinner and attended a 50's, 60's and 70's musical evening. It was nice to be able to sing along to many of the songs of our youth!!
We survived Glacier National Park...bears and all!
We spent and entire day driving through the park, stopping to take pictures and enjoying the beauties of nature! Sweeping vistas, pristine lakes and majestic mountains reminded me of how grateful I am for this diverse and breathtaking world we live in!
Although the picture below is a bit blurry, it is evidence that we saw not one, but two grizzly are correct, I took this photo with a telephoto lens...I wasn't about to get any closer!
I tried to upload the video but it is too large...
At the end of the road where we spied the bears, was a large Bavarian Lodge called the Many Glaciers Hotel. We read that one of the wings is actually haunted!
Alas, our time was coming to an end, and as we drove through Kalispell, we stopped at the Conrad Mansion and Museum. Charles Conrad built this beautiful home in 1895 and many of the features are original and quite unique.

The Conrads were very philanthropic and saw to the needs of those around them. They shared their lovely home with those who were in need, especially at Christmastime.
Dining Room
One of numerous bedrooms
Children's dollhouse
The kitchen was equipped with a grill, "food processor" and even a 1895? Yup!
If you ever find yourself in Kalispell, it is well worth your time to take a tour!
Farewell to our little condo...
...and farewell to dear friends, until we meet again!!