Wise Men still seek Him!
Hope you all are enjoying this time of year! We had 24 at my house for Thanksgiving!! What a hoot! We ate, hiked, played games, ice-skated and ate some more!! (Well, I did not ice skate) Everyone was cooperative as I took cell phones away....with only a few grumblings.
Ariel made these cute turkeys from cinnamon rolls and bacon for feathers...we all loved them!!
Hot chocolate kept everyone warm while running around in pjs!
Levi was hoping for an extra turkey cinnamon roll!! HA!
After looking at overpriced centerpieces, I decided to raid my craft closet and made a few myself!
When our tummies allowed, we enjoyed a great dessert bar as well, thanks to all who helped with the food and drink! Sure do love my family!!
Even cousin IT decided to get festive and show up for the meal! LOL!
After our meal the family traditionally takes a walk down the railroad tracks and to the lake....this year it was cold but everyone was a trooper!!
Julian and Eden
Kids found some giant tumbleweeds! Made them look like turkeys!
The lake provided a bit of entertainment with a few crawdads to annoy!
Watch out for those little pinchers!
The next day the kids enjoyed making gingerbread houses, tents and huts! We had quite the joyful variety. Thanks to Haven and Ariel for making that happen!
They graciously took turns and did beautiful work!
I believe 13 gingerbread structures were created!!
Even Gus looks like she enjoyed the whole turkey!! LOL!
The gang all departed, so to fill the void I decided to get ready for Christmas.
Only put up 13 of my nativities. Christmas will be a bit different this year as most of the kids are spending time elsewhere. Haven's family will help me celebrate, and then I am venturing into the snowy Cascade Mts with Ariel and Nathan to spend a few days in a little cabin with a fireplace, a good book and of course more food!! It even has a hot tub! A winter wonderland away from home!
A few nativities...how I love to see the different representations of the birth of the Christ child!
An update on our beautiful temple. Got up early one morning and beheld this glorious scene!
Got the tree up with a little help. I love the lights and the music (which I begin playing in October)

A few nativities...how I love to see the different representations of the birth of the Christ child!
Yes, I am too lazy to send out Christmas cards...maybe next year, but I do love all of my family and friends and pray that you will each have a meaningful and joyous holiday!
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