Summer has been an eventful season...although at 100 degrees outside, it isn't over yet!
Always room for a flower picture!
Summer began with my two oldest grandsons graduating from High School!
Where have the years gone?
First was Ariel and Nathan's, Levi!!
"Little T", who is nearly as tall as his 6'4" father also graduated from High School. He is a sweet kid and I sure do love him and his endearing quirkiness!!
Well, it is hard to remember those days when he sat on my lap for another story.
It will be interesting to see where life takes these two wonderful young men!
Prepare yourself for the wedding photo overload!!
(and Micah didn't even take one!!)
Mr and Mrs. Micah and Ariel (Ari) Brown were married June 16th in the Timpanogas Temple.
At the reception they held a traditional ring ceremony so the children and others could be part of their joy!
I was so delighted that all of Micah's siblings were present. How I love my family!!!
Although complications arose, everything turned out perfectly!
Micah's two best friends, Bryan Weed and Jansson Weeks - both from Pennsylvania and now all three of them live within a few miles of each other in Utah....what are the chances!!!
Although complications arose, everything turned out perfectly!
Micah's two best friends, Bryan Weed and Jansson Weeks - both from Pennsylvania and now all three of them live within a few miles of each other in Utah....what are the chances!!!
Caleb, Cosette and Eden were wonderful and it is clear they already love Ari!
The venue was lovely and we enjoyed a dance by the bride and groom and then watched everyone go crazy on the dance floor.
Ammon and Cosette showing 'em how it is done!
The venue was lovely and we enjoyed a dance by the bride and groom and then watched everyone go crazy on the dance floor.
Ammon and Cosette showing 'em how it is done!
that June so graciously created.
Some of the gang hanging out at Micah's place.It was a fabulous event and I cannot express how happy I am that Ari and Micah found each other!
Autumn and Viraj were in Dixon, IL attending a friends wedding recently and decided to stop in Morrison, IL and visit Grandma Joberg at the Grove Hill Cemetery. I'll bet that made her happy!
These two light up any room they enter! Love them both!!July 28th found many of us at the Columbia River Temple where Levi was preparing to serve a mission. He will be leaving mid-August for the New Jersey Morristown Mission where he will serve the Lord for two years. Here he is pictured with his parents, grandparents and siblings.

Nathan and Ariel beam with pride in this faithful young man!

I was able to attend his farewell at his ward in Yakima and he gave a very good talk! My nephew Darin and his wife Becky and daughter Kaylee were at my home for a short visit and were happy to come and enjoy the festivities! It was so great having them here! Love my Kowallises!!
After they left, they headed to Loran and Janice's place in Westport, WA...they live just a few short steps from the beach. Loran is Darin's brother and after 98 degrees here, I am sure it was a joy to need a light jacket at the beach! LOL

After they left, they headed to Loran and Janice's place in Westport, WA...they live just a few short steps from the beach. Loran is Darin's brother and after 98 degrees here, I am sure it was a joy to need a light jacket at the beach! LOL
Until this temple is completed, no blog will be without an update photo!
(Actually Gus can't be bothered...)
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